Preserving data ecosystems

Atempo - in the news

  • 02/28/2024 | Blocks & Files
  • WeSystems Case Study

  • German system house weSystems is working with partner Atempo and its Miria data mover to archive 40 PB of data in the Azure public cloud’s Blob Storage Archive Tier.
  • 02/28/2024 | BLOCKS & FILES
  • Storage news ticker

  • German system house weSystems is working with partner Atempo and its Miria data mover to archive 40 PB of data in the Azure public cloud’s Blob Storage Archive Tier.
  • 12/07/2022 | blocks and files
  • Atempo foresees structured data explosion

  • The post 2023 world is going to see an explosion in structured data alongside the flood of unstructured data, at least according to French data manager and protector Atempo.
  • 12/06/2022 | ZDNET
  • Atempo baut Allianzen aus

  • Durch Allianzen mit Panasas und Quantum hat Atempo seine Reichweiter ausgebaut. Mit Verbesserungen soll die Effizienz erhöht werden.
  • 09/29/2022 | Enterprise Talk
  • Quantum Expands Long-Standing Atempo Partnership with New Validated Solution Bundles and Worldwide Reseller Agreement

  • Quantum Corporation (NASDAQ: QMCO), the leader in solutions for video and unstructured data, today announced an expanded partnership with Atempo, a leading European software vendor known for its award-winning Tina and Miria data protection and unstructured data management software. As part of the expanded partnership, the companies are introducing validated solution bundles that combine Atempo Tina software, a Quantum® media server, and Quantum secondary storage solutions. As part of a new worldwide reseller agreement, Quantum will resell Atempo Tina software with an all-inclusive, capacity-based subscription licensing model that is only available through Quantum.
  • 09/29/2022 | CRN INDIA
  • Quantum ties up with Atempo

  • Quantum Corporation announced an expanded partnership with Atempo, a leading European software vendor known for its award-winning Tina and Miria data protection and unstructured data management software. As part of the expanded partnership, the companies are introducing validated solution bundles that combine Atempo Tina software, a Quantum media server, and Quantum secondary storage solutions. As part of a new worldwide reseller agreement, Quantum will resell Atempo Tina software with an all-inclusive, capacity-based subscription licensing model that is only available through Quantum.
  • 09/29/2022 | speicherguide
  • Quantum und Atempo schnüren zertifizierte Backup-Bundles

  • Mit zertifizierten und aufeinander abgestimmten Datensicherungslösungen intensivieren Quantum und Atempo ihre Zusammenarbeit. Das SMB-Bundle adressiert IT-Umgebungen mit einem Kapazitätsbedarf zwischen 16 bis 80 TByte. Das Enterprise-Bundle skaliert auch darüber hinaus. Interessenten erhalten neben der Quantum-Hardware auch Atempos Backup-Software Tina.
  • 02/01/2021 | Storage Magazine
  • Durham University's DiRAC Memory Intensive Service aims to preserve ever-growing quantities of complex cosmological simulation data

  • Durham University is home to the DiRAC Memory Intensive Service, based in Durham's Institute for Computational Cosmology (ICC). DiRAC (Distributed Research Utilising Advanced Computing) is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modelling and HPC-based research in particle physics, astronomy and cosmology and nuclear physics. It is a key part of the infrastructure supporting the UK's Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Frontier Science program. Four UK universities - Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh and Leicester - are responsible for delivering DiRAC's HPC services; learn more at
  • 02/04/2021 | Big Data 4 Innovation
  • IBM, Atempo e OVHcloud uniscono le forze per il cloud storage

  • Una partnership tecnologica per portare sul mercato una nuova offerta, economicamente conveniente e compliant alla normativa, che garantisca l'affidabilità, la resilienza e la sovranità sui dati sensibili delle imprese e delle istituzioni pubbliche europee
  • 01/26/2021 | JIOFORME
  • OVHcloud works with IBM and Atempo to provide a reliable and secure cloud storage solution

  • Roubaix, January 19, 2021 – OVHcloud works with IBM and Atempo as a service to meet the security, sovereignty, and resiliency needs of European companies and public institutions to store sensitive data. I am developing storage for. The solution is based on IBM Enterprise Tape technology and the Attempo software stack hosted and operated by OVHcloud in a new French data center.
  • 01/26/2021 | sdxcentral
  • OVHcloud, IBM Tape Data Sovereignty to Cloud Storage

  • OVHcloud will soon debut a tape-storage-as-a-service developed in partnership with IBM and France-based software vendor Atempo to meet European data sovereignty and localization requirements.
  • 01/25/2021 | funschau
  • OVHcloud steigt mit IBM in Storage-as-a-Service ein

  • Cloud-Provider OVHcloud launcht gemeinsam mit IBM und Atempo ein Storage-as-a-Service-Angebot. Das in französischen Rechenzentren gehostete Angebot soll die europäischen Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen.
  • 01/24/2021 | Storage Review
  • News Bits: Aerospike, Data Dynamics, TerraMaster, VAST Data, NVIDIA, OVHcloud, IBM, IGEL, & More

  • In this week’s News Bits we look at a number of small announcements, small in terms of the content, not the impact they have. Aerospike Connector for Presto hits general availability. Data Dynamics Releases StorageX 8.4. TerraMaster Released TOS 4.2. VAST Data and NVIDIA announce new reference architecture. OVHcloud teams up with IBM and Atempo on a secure STaaS solution. IGEL OS comes to NComputing Arm-Based endpoints. GigaSpaces has a strong 2020. RAIDIX launches RAIDIX ERA 3.2.
  • 01/23/2021 | Globb Partner
  • OVHcloud se une a IBM y Atempo para ofrecer una solución de almacenamiento cloud de confianza y segura

  • Para satisfacer las necesidades de seguridad, soberanía y resiliencia de las empresas e instituciones públicas europeas en materia de conservación de datos sensibles, OVHcloud, proveedor mundial de cloud, está colaborando con IBM y Atempo, proveedor independiente de software, para desarrollar una oferta de almacenamiento como servicio («Storage-as-a-Service»). Esta solución se basará en la tecnología de almacenamiento en cintas de IBM y en el conjunto de software de Atempo, y estará alojada y operada por OVHcloud en nuevos centros de datos en el territorio francés.
  • 01/21/2021 | Digitalisation World
  • OVHcloud teams up with IBM and Atempo for a trusted, secure cloud storage solution

  • OVHcloud is collaborating with IBM and Atempo to develop a Storage-as-a-Service to meet European enterprise and public institution security, sovereignty and resilience needs for the preservation of sensitive data. The solution will be based on IBM enterprise Tape technology and an Atempo software stack hosted and operated by OVHcloud in new data centres in French territory.
  • 01/21/2021 | Data Center Dynamics
  • OVHcloud launches four data centers for IBM tape cloud storage

  • OVHcloud will launch a Storage-as-a-Service offering using IBM's enterprise tape technology and the Atempo software stack. The French cloud provider will initially roll the platform out at four dedicated data centers in its home country, aimed at meeting European data residency regulations.
  • 01/21/2021 | insightsuccess
  • OVHcloud teams up with IBM and Atempo for a trusted, secure cloud storage solution

  • Roubaix, January 19, 2021 – To meet European enterprise and public institution security, sovereignty and resilience needs for the preservation of sensitive data, OVHcloud is collaborating with IBM and Atempo to develop a Storage-as-a-Service offering. This solution will be based on IBM Enterprise Tape technology and an Atempo software stack hosted and operated by OVHcloud in new data centers in the French territory.
  • 01/21/2021 | CIOreview
  • OVHcloud Teams up with IBM and Atempo for a Trusted, Secure Cloud Storage Solution

  • Roubaix, January 19, 2021 – To meet European enterprise and public institution security, sovereignty and resilience needs for the preservation of sensitive data, OVHcloud is collaborating with IBM and Atempo to develop a Storage-as-a-Service offering. This solution will be based on IBM Enterprise Tape technology and an Atempo software stack hosted and operated by OVHcloud in new data centers in the French territory.
  • 01/20/2021 | iavcworld
  • OVHcloud bringt sichere Cloud-Speicherlösung auf den Markt

  • OVHcloud entwickelt gemeinsam mit IBM und Atempo ein Storage-as-a-Service-Angebot, das die Anforderungen europäischer Unternehmen und öffentlicher Einrichtungen an Sicherheit, Souveränität und Ausfallsicherheit bei der Speicherung sensibler Daten erfüllen soll. Die Lösung wird von OVHcloud in den neuen Rechenzentren in Frankreich gehostet und betrieben.
  • 01/20/2021 | MyTechMag
  • OVHcloud Teams up with IBM and Atempo for a Trusted, Secure Cloud Storage Solution

  • Roubaix, January 19, 2021 – To meet European enterprise and public institution security, sovereignty and resilience needs for the preservation of sensitive data, OVHcloud is collaborating with IBM and Atempo to develop a Storage-as-a-Service offering. This solution will be based on IBM Enterprise Tape technology and an Atempo software stack hosted and operated by OVHcloud in new data centers in the French territory.
  • 01/20/2021 | CRN
  • OVHcloud, IBM i Atempo łączą siły

  • OVHcloud nawiązało współpracę z IBM i Atempo. Firmy opracują ofertę usług storage-as-a-service. Rozwiązanie będzie oparte na nośnikach taśmowych IBM i oprogramowaniu Atempo, hostowanym i obsługiwanym przez OVHcloud w czterech nowych centrach danych we Francji.
  • 01/20/2021 | i-Talicom
  • OVHcloud collabora con IBM e Atempo per una soluzione di cloud storage affidabile e sicura

  • MILANO -Per soddisfare le esigenze di sicurezza, sovranità e resilienza delle imprese e delle istituzioni pubbliche europee per la protezione dei dati sensibili, OVHcloud sta collaborando con IBM e Atempo allo sviluppo di un’offerta Storage-as-a-Service. Questa soluzione sarà basata sulla tecnologia IBM enterprise storage su nastro e su uno stack software Atempo, ospitato e gestito da OVHcloud nei nuovi data center sul territorio francese.
  • 01/20/2021 | DatacenterDynamics
  • OVHcloud se une a IBM y Atempo para ofrecer una solución de almacenamiento cloud de confianza y segura

  • Para satisfacer las necesidades de seguridad, soberanía y resiliencia de las empresas e instituciones públicas europeas en materia de conservación de datos sensibles, OVHcloud está colaborando con IBM y Atempo para desarrollar una oferta de almacenamiento como servicio («Storage-as-a-Service»). Esta solución se basará en la tecnología de almacenamiento en cintas de IBM y en el conjunto de software de Atempo, y estará alojada y operada por OVHcloud en nuevos centros de datos en el territorio francés.
  • 01/19/2021 |
  • OVHcloud collabora con IBM e Atempo per una soluzione di cloud storage affidabile e sicura

  • Una partnership tecnologica per portare sul mercato una nuova offerta ultra-competitiva e che garantisca la sovranità sui dati. Per soddisfare le esigenze di sicurezza, sovranità e resilienza delle imprese e delle istituzioni pubbliche europee per la protezione dei dati sensibili, OVHcloud sta collaborando con IBM e Atempo allo sviluppo di un'offerta Storage-as-a-Service.
  • 09/18/2020 | The European Magazine
  • Atempo.Wooxo joins the European Champions Alliance

  • The European Champions Alliance (ECA) is delighted to welcome the French cyber security group Atempo.Wooxo as an official member. This membership is a strong encouragement for the actions of the ECA. Indeed, the sector of cyber security and secure data storage is an area where Europe is particularly active. This membership will help to strengthen exchanges on this subject in Europe.
  • 07/15/2020 | My Tech Mag
  • Atempo a Top 10 Promising Disaster Recovery Solution Provider in 2020

  • MyTechMag, a pioneering tech magazine has acknowledged Atempo—a leading independent European-based software vendor with a global presence, offering Disaster Recovery solutions to protect, store, move and recover all your data—one among the “Top 10 Promising Disaster Recovery Solution Providers 2020″ who are transforming companies with their unique solutions.
  • 07/01/2020 | The European
  • Atempo Miria certified for the Nutanix Files solution

  • Atempo today announced the technical validation by Nutanix of its data migration solution Miria for Migration on the Nutanix Files storage environment. This new offer enables businesses to securely and reliably migrate their data from their previous storage systems to Nutanix Files.
  • 03/19/2020 | Storage Newsletter
  • Atempo and OVHcloud Sign Partnership for Sovereign Cloud Solution

  • Both French companies Atempo SAS announces a strategic partnership with OVHcloud for a sovereign data backup and preservation solution. It will provide private and public organizations with seamless access to OVHcloud infrastructure hosting and Atempo's 3 main solutions: Lina, Miria and Tina. Labeled As used by French Armed Forces they provide you with complete freedom [...]The post Atempo and OVHcloud Sign Partnership for Sovereign Cloud Solution appeared first on StorageNewsletter.
  • 03/02/2020 | Insights Success
  • Atempo named one of the 10 most trusted Cyber-security Solution Providers

  • Company data is the main driving force of the 21 century’s economy. Businesses derive value from the digital testimony of our actions and activities. The ability of an organization to both exploit and protect the data it produces or manages, is a guarantee of its sustainability and can provide genuine competitive advantages. Data is a strategic asset stored and processed in increasingly sophisticated, complex, and heterogeneous systems, applications and storage. Atempo, leader for conventional data protection, sees this constantly changing set of components as an ecosystem, a concept that seems more appropriate to us than the concept of environment, generally used in IT. Like natural ecosystems, the quality of a data ecosystem is measured by its ability to evolve over time, maintain its balance, resist aggression, and recover without delay.
  • 02/10/2020 | StorageNewsletter
  • Atempo and Harmony Healthcare IT Joined Active Archive Alliance

  • The Active Archive Alliance announced that Atempo SAS and Harmony Healthcare IT have joined the organization. Active archives provide strategies to solve data growth challenges. The two companies IT join a number of storage and IT vendors that together support the use of active archive solutions for data lifecycle management. "We're pleased to welcome Atempo [...]The post Atempo and Harmony Healthcare IT Joined Active Archive Alliance appeared first on StorageNewsletter.
  • 12/03/2019 | Storage Newsletter
  • Atempo: Atempo and Scaleway Partnering

  • Atempo SAS announced a partnership with Scaleway, a brand from Online SAS and a B2B cloud subsidiary of the Iliad Group. Announcement has been unveiled at Cloud & Cyber Security Expo, an event dedicated to cloud cybersecurity and security, held on November 27-28 in Paris, France. This alliance will enable them to ensure Miria is [...]The post Atempo and Scaleway Partnering appeared first on StorageNewsletter.
  • 11/20/2019 | Business Wire
  • Atempo to Showcase Data Protection and Archiving for Media ...

  • Atempo, Inc., a leading provider of cross-platform data protection and archiving solutions, today announced that it will exhibit at the IBC 2009 Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and showcase its suite of data management software optimized for storage-intensive media and entertainment industries. Its first year at IBC, Atempo will offer attendees a firsthand look at Atempo Digital Archive (ADA) and Atempo Time Navigator. Demonstrations will be available to highlight how each software integrates into the content creation workflow and becomes an integral component to any creative environment.
  • 10/01/2019 | Storage Review
  • News Bits: Acronis, Supermicro, Lexar, Inspur, Formulus Black, Intel, Atempo, Toshiba (Kioxia) & More

  • This week’s News Bits we look at a number of small announcements, small in terms of the content, not the impact they have. Acronis Raises $147 million in investments. Supermicro releases new SAP HANA solution. Lexar announces CFexpress Type B Card. Inspur makes Open Compute announcements. Formulus Black partners with Intel and Packet on PMEM infrastructure. Atempo raises €8 million. Toshiba Memory rebrands as Kioxia. Data Dynamics partners with Lenovo on intelligent file management. RAIDIX releases ERA 3.0...
  • 08/06/2019 | The Enterprise World
  • Atempo - Highly Scalable Backup, Migration, and Archiving ...

  • Atempo is a globally renowned data protection and management software, vendor. For many years their Time Navigation (Tina) solution has protected thousands of customers worldwide enabling them to journey back in time to recover data – systems, applications, and files- from any point in the past...
  • 07/09/2019 | Dutch IT Channel
  • Atempo komt met nieuw Miria platform

  • Tijdens de recente IT Press Tour sprak Dutch IT channel met het management van Atempo, een van oorsprong Franse onderneming met het hoofdkantoor in Parijs die focus heeft op het optimaliseren, archiveren en managen van grote databestanden. Luc d’Urso (foto), de CEO van de Atempo-Wooxo Group, claimt dat de focus van de onderneming nu (en nog meer in de nabije toekomst) zich richt op het in standhouden en beheren van het data ecosysteem van grote bedrijven die belast zijn met data intensieve activiteiten, bijvoorbeeld filmarchieven en content bedrijven...
  • 06/20/2019 | CEO Views
  • ATEMPO: Upgrade Storage, Make Space, Manage Data

  • Data protection and data movement technologies are struggling to evolve within today’s challenging environments: exponential unstructured data growth, aging storage technologies, stricter data regulations…
  • 06/17/2019 | CDP Blog
  • A new era for Atempo

  • Atempo, the long time leader in data protection, was a good surprise of the recent IT Press Tour and it was the perfect opportunity to get an update on the current company as it evolved a lot for several years now.
  • 06/13/2019 | DZone
  • Company Overview: Atempo

  • I had the opportunity to meet with Luc D’Urso, CEO, Ferhat Kaddour, V.P. Sales and Alliances, and Mike Oakes, Sr. Solution Architect at Atempo, the ninth company on IT Press Tour #31. Their vision of the future is that data volumes are exploding and they will continue to grow at 61% per year through 2025. 80% of data will be unstructured, 50% will reside in the cloud, and 50% on-prem. Meeting the challenge of the data tsunami over-washing every industry as digital transformation is driving all sectors...
  • 06/12/2019 | Storage Newsletter
  • Company Profile: Atempo New era for old data protection player

  • Many people connected and working in the storage industry know Atempo for quite long time but the recent company events invited us to update its company profile. Genesis and growth Founded in 1991 in France by Dominique Vinay, the company was named Quadratec for approximately 10 years before changing it to the current name Atempo [...]The post Company Profile: Atempo appeared first on StorageNewsletter.
  • 05/30/2019 | OCF
  • DiRAC deploys Atempo Miria for Archiving - HPC, Storage ...

  • DiRAC (Distributed Research Utilizing Advanced Computing) is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modeling and HPC-based research in particle physics, astronomy and cosmology and nuclear physics. It is a key part of the infrastructure supporting the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Frontier Science programme. Research scientists across the UK can apply for access to DiRAC’s powerful computing facilities.
  • 05/14/2019 | the IT press tour
  • Software, Software... for the 31st Edition of The IT Press Tour dedicated to IT Infrastructure

  • San Francisco, Calif. - May 14, 2019 - The IT Press Tour (, a leading media event launched in June 2010, today announced participating companies for the 31st edition organized the week of 3rd of June in Silicon Valley. Ten companies will join this new edition dedicated to IT Infrastructure (by alpha order): Atempo, Data Dynamics, DataCore, HYCU, iXsystems, Kaminario, ObjectiveFS, Qumulo, StorONE and WekaIO.
  • 04/03/2019 |
  • Atempo and the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) renew for a second 10-year partnership

  • Atempo and the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) are delighted to announce at this year’s NAB Show (Las Vegas, April 8-11), that they are renewing their partnership for the next 10 years. The two organizations have worked closely together in the past on NFB’s archiving project to distribute their vast collection of films and videos on a digital platform. By renewing this partnership for another 10 years, NFB will act as a trailblazer for Atempo’s new and innovative technological projects to help manage NFB’s audiovisual production...
  • 02/07/2019 | market watch
  • Qumulo Introduces Data Migration Service

  • Qumulo, the pioneer of hybrid cloud storage, today announced the launch of its Data Migration Service. Enterprise data managers and administrators seeking to adopt new and innovative storage technologies often find the most difficult obstacle is the migration of existing data. Migration of data can be labor-intensive, and typically requires software and hardware rarely used in daily business operations.
  • 12/01/2018 | calsoft
  • Atempo Acquired Synerway

  • Few weeks after becoming independent with Woxoo at the beginning of the year 2017 under the leaderhip of CEO Luc d’Urso, and not being anymore under ASG Technologies since 2011, French company Atempo SAS, in archiving and data protection, has acquired other French firm Synerway in backup appliances for SMBs for an undisclosed but probably small amount as the acquired company was put once more in bankruptcy (redressement judiciaire in French, equivalent of Chapter XI in USA), more recently by the Tribunal of Nanterre last August.
  • 11/14/2018 | continous data protection blog
  • DataFlow, a collaboration between DDN Storage and Atempo

  • DDN Storage has presented DDN DataFlow at SC18 this week. The storage leader picked a recognized proven data mover product Atempo Digital Archive aka ADA, and partner Atempo, and confirms its leadership in end-to-end data management solutions.
  • 02/08/2010 | Broadcast
  • Atempo to unveil new FCS capabilities

  • Atempo will give visitors to BVE 2010 a sneak preview of a new version of its Digital Archive (ADA) technology that can keep track of Apple Final Cut Server metadata information on archived assets...
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