Preserving data ecosystems

Free, Fast and Secured Data Migration to Azure

Miria Data Management software platform secures the migration of your large amounts of data to Microsoft Azure. This migration is free through the “Azure Storage Migrate Program” of which Atempo is a partner.

Register now for a free migration!

Miria Secures your Data Migration to Azure!

The storage migration offered by Miria allows you to control the relocation of your data to Azure Storage services with complete freedom:

Simplify and Accelerate Your Data Migration to Microsoft Azure Storage Services

Start Your Free Azure File Migration Today

Step 1: Prepare
To guide you and help you anticipate, Atempo provides you with the Sizing Guide which allows you to get a clear understanding of the process, and to anticipate hardware needs, the scope and the level of complexity of the migration.

Step 2: Analysis & Planning
The Analytics module included with Miria migration allows you to explore all the company’s file storage and have a global view to guide the planning. Our Migration Planning Guide then recommends a step-by-step process and alerts you to the points of vigilance to be put in place.

Step 3: Migration
To guide you in setting up the software components, their configuration, and monitoring, you have access to online tutorials and documentations. Migration experts assistance is available.

Step 4: Validation
By leveraging Miria very simple web interface, you can monitor each migration step progress and have reports confirming the completion of your migration, and file integrity control reports.

Now you are ready to migrate any type and volume of file data sets to Azure Storage services with serenity: costs are controlled, and your data and their migration are secured!

Prepare my migration to Azure

Fast, Secured and Simple Data Migration to Azure:

  • Analytics: consolidated view of all your data spread across all your file storages,
  • A guided migration through simple web interface,
  • Easily identify and prioritize data sets to be migrated,
  • Adjust performances as needed,
  • Monitor status and get detailed reporting,
  • Create migration reports with data integrity checks

Azure File Migration Program Registration:

“Miria helped secure our massive research data to Azure with seamless migration thanks to its FastScan capability. Incremental migration steps were possible without any production impact.” Head of IT for a leading automotive company in Europe.

“Miria’s wide compatibility with NAS and object storages combined with its easy-to-use web UI, made it the perfect choice for our large-scale data migration to Azure: We were able to monitor progress and make adjustments with ease.” – Oil & Gaz company – USA